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What Is Tunel | Types of Tunnels | What Are Tunnels Used for | Classification of Tunnel | How Are Tunnels Built |Advantages of Tunnels | Disadvantages of Tunnels


New technologies involve Shotcrete used for the new Austrian tunnelling system, by use of a tunnel boring machine (TBM) or even a tunnelling shield. Vertical walls with arch roof type. Tunnels shield the system (railway track, highway, sewage line , oil line, respectively.) Polycentric. Sequential Excavation Method.

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What Is Concrete | Different Types of Concrete


What Is Concrete? Concrete is the final product resulting from mixing cement , aggregates (including sand), water, and mixtures. The first use of concrete was by the Roman Empire. The Pantheon is the largest unreinforced concrete dome in the world, built-in 120 A.D. Different Types of Concrete. Dry lean Concrete.